Çözüldü6.55K görüntülenmeArduinoproblem lora and arduino proje

For end school project i have to do  Arduino and LORA net
I have bought 2 sx 1276 and 2 antenna (868 MHZ)
I have do some test but i can’t have communication (see attach)
Can you help me?

////////////////TRASMITTER code

#include “EBYTE.h”
#define PIN_RX 2
#define PIN_TX 3
#define PIN_M0 4
#define PIN_M1 5
#define PIN_AX 6

struct DATA {
unsigned long Count;
int Bits;
float Volts;
float Amps;
int Chan;
DATA MyData;

SoftwareSerial ESerial(PIN_RX, PIN_TX);
// create the transceiver object, passing in the serial and pins
EBYTE Transceiver(&ESerial, PIN_M0, PIN_M1, PIN_AX);

void setup() {
// start the transceiver serial port–i have yet to get a different
// baud rate to work–data sheet says to keep on 9600
Serial.println(“Starting Sender”);
// this init will set the pinModes for you

void loop() {
// measure some data and save to the structure
MyData.Bits = analogRead(A0);
MyData.Volts = MyData.Bits * ( 5.0 / 1024.0 );

Transceiver.SendStruct(&MyData, sizeof(MyData));

Serial object
// ESerial.write((uint8_t*) &Data, PacketSize );
// let the use know something was sent
Serial.print(“Sending: “); Serial.println(MyData.Count);

////////////////RECEIVER code

#include “EBYTE.h”
#define PIN_RX 2
#define PIN_TX 3
#define PIN_M0 4
#define PIN_M1 5
#define PIN_AX 6
struct DATA {
unsigned long Count;
int Bits;
float Volts;
float Amps;
int Chan;
DATA MyData;
unsigned long Last;

SoftwareSerial ESerial(PIN_RX, PIN_TX);
// create the transceiver object, passing in the serial and pins
EBYTE Transceiver(&ESerial, PIN_M0, PIN_M1, PIN_AX);
void setup() {
Serial.println(“Starting Reader”);
// this init will set the pinModes for you
// all these calls are optional but shown to give examples of what you
can do
// Serial.println(Transceiver.GetAirDataRate());
// Serial.println(Transceiver.GetChannel());
// Transceiver.SetAddressH(1);
// Transceiver.SetAddressL(0);
// Chan = 5;
// Transceiver.SetChannel(Chan);
// save the parameters to the unit,
// Transceiver.SaveParameters(PERMANENT);
// you can print all parameters and is good for debugging
// if your units will not communicate, print the parameters
// for both sender and receiver and make sure air rates, channel
// and address is the same
void loop() {
// if the transceiver serial is available, proces incoming data
// you can also use Transceiver.available()
if (ESerial.available()) {
// i highly suggest you send data using structures and not
// a parsed data–i’ve always had a hard time getting reliable data
// a parsing method
Transceiver.GetStruct(&MyData, sizeof(MyData));
// You only really need this library to program these EBYTE units.
// For reading data structures, you can call readBytes directly on the
EBYTE Serial object
// ESerial.readBytes((uint8_t*)& MyData, (uint8_t) sizeof(MyData));
// dump out what was just received
Serial.print(“Count: “); Serial.println(MyData.Count);
Serial.print(“Bits: “); Serial.println(MyData.Bits);
Serial.print(“Volts: “); Serial.println(MyData.Volts);
// if you got data, update the checker
Last = millis();
else {
// if the time checker is over some prescribed amount
// let the user know there is no incoming data
if ((millis() – Last) > 1000) {
Serial.println(“Searching: “);
Last = millis();

Soru yeni cevaplara kapalıdır.
Mehmet En iyi cevap olarak seçildi Ekim 18, 2021

ok daniel if connection problem still continue. contact with me whatsapp +905446271985 . it will be faster.

Mehmet Cevaplanan soru Eylül 28, 2021
5 cevaptan 1'ini inceliyorsun, tüm cevapları görmek için buraya tıklayın.