Çözüldü2.39K görüntülenmeLoragps Lora

gps modülümüz ile lora modülümüz aynı anda çalıştırıldığında gps verilerini diğer lora’ya veri aktarımı yapılamıyor.

#include <TinyGPS++.h><br />#include <MPU9255.h><br />#include <SoftwareSerial.h><br />#include "LoRa_E22.h"<br />// #include <SimpleKalmanFilter.h><br />#include<Servo.h><br />#include <Wire.h><br />#include <SPI.h><br />#include <Adafruit_BMP280.h><br />SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11);<br />int servo_port = 9;<br />#define SERIAL_BAUD 9600<br />#define BMP_SCK  (13)<br />#define BMP_MISO (12)<br />#define BMP_MOSI (11)<br />#define BMP_CS   (10)<br />#define g 9.81<br /> /*SimpleKalmanFilter irtifaKalmanFilter(1, 540, 0.01);<br />SimpleKalmanFilter axKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);<br />SimpleKalmanFilter ayKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);<br />SimpleKalmanFilter azKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);<br />SimpleKalmanFilter gxKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);<br />SimpleKalmanFilter gyKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);<br />SimpleKalmanFilter gzKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);*/<br />LoRa_E22 E22(&mySerial);<br />Adafruit_BMP280 bmp;<br />MPU9255 mpu;<br />TinyGPSPlus gps;<br />Servo servom;<br />int pos = 90; <br />struct Signal {<br />  char type[15] = "Urfa63";<br />  float irtifa;<br />  float sicaklik;<br />  float gps_1;<br />  float gps_2;<br />  float ax[3];<br />  float gx[3];<br />  float ldr;<br />} data;<br /> #define M0 7<br />#define M1 6<br />#define BTN 2<br />#define LED 9<br />   static const int RXPin = 4, TXPin = 3;// Here we make pin 4 as RX of arduino & pin 3 as TX of arduino <br />static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;<br /> SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);<br />float gps_1 = 0,gps_2 = 0;<br /> float ax[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};<br />float gx[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};<br /> float first_pres = 0,h = 0,irtifa = 0,max_irtifa = 0,min_irtifa = 0,sicaklik = 0,isik = 0;<br />bool aviyonik_durum = false;<br />  double process_acceleration(int input, scales sensor_scale )<br />{<br />  /*<br />  To get acceleration in 'g', each reading has to be divided by :<br />   -> 16384 for +- 2g scale (default scale)<br />   -> 8192  for +- 4g scale<br />   -> 4096  for +- 8g scale<br />   -> 2048  for +- 16g scale<br />  */<br />  double output = 1;<br />  //for +- 2g<br />   if(sensor_scale == scale_2g)<br />  {<br />    output = input;<br />    output = output/16384;<br />    output = output*g;<br />  }<br />   //for +- 4g<br />  if(sensor_scale == scale_4g)<br />  {<br />    output = input;<br />    output = output/8192;<br />    output = output*g;<br />  }<br />   //for +- 8g<br />  if(sensor_scale == scale_8g)<br />  {<br />    output = input;<br />    output = output/4096;<br />    output = output*g;<br />  }<br />   //for +-16g<br />  if(sensor_scale == scale_16g)<br />  {<br />    output = input;<br />    output = output/2048;<br />    output = output*g;<br />  }<br />   return output;<br />}<br />  double process_angular_velocity(int16_t input, scales sensor_scale )<br />{<br />  /*<br />  To get rotation velocity in dps (degrees per second), each reading has to be divided by :<br />   -> 131   for +- 250  dps scale (default value)<br />   -> 65.5  for +- 500  dps scale<br />   -> 32.8  for +- 1000 dps scale<br />   -> 16.4  for +- 2000 dps scale<br />  */<br />   //for +- 250 dps<br />  if(sensor_scale == scale_250dps)<br />  {<br />    return input/131;<br />  }<br />   //for +- 500 dps<br />  if(sensor_scale == scale_500dps)<br />  {<br />    return input/65.5;<br />  }<br />   //for +- 1000 dps<br />  if(sensor_scale == scale_1000dps)<br />  {<br />    return input/32.8;<br />  }<br />   //for +- 2000 dps<br />  if(sensor_scale == scale_2000dps)<br />  {<br />    return input/16.4;<br />  }<br />   return 0;<br />}<br /> void setup()<br />{<br />  pinMode(8,OUTPUT);<br />  Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD);<br />  ss.listen();<br />  ss.begin(GPSBaud);<br />  while(!Serial) {} // Wait<br />  Wire.begin();<br />  pinMode(M0, OUTPUT);<br />  pinMode(M1, OUTPUT);<br />  digitalWrite(M0, LOW);<br />  digitalWrite(M1, LOW);<br />  E22.begin();<br />  mySerial.listen();<br />  char* source = "urfa başlat";<br />  strcpy(data.type, source);<br />   ResponseStatus rs = E22.sendFixedMessage(0, 46, 18, &data, sizeof(Signal));<br />    if (!bmp.begin(BMP280_ADDRESS_ALT, BMP280_CHIPID)) {<br />  if (!bmp.begin()) {<br />    Serial.println(F("Could not find a valid BMP280 sensor, check wiring or "<br />                      "try a different address!"));<br />  }<br />   /* Default settings from datasheet. */<br />  bmp.setSampling(Adafruit_BMP280::MODE_NORMAL,     /* Operating Mode. */<br />                  Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X2,     /* Temp. oversampling */<br />                  Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X16,    /* Pressure oversampling */<br />                  Adafruit_BMP280::FILTER_X16,      /* Filtering. */<br />                  Adafruit_BMP280::STANDBY_MS_500); /* Standby time. */<br />}<br />    if(mpu.init())<br />  {<br />  Serial.println("MPU9255 çalıştırılamadı");<br />  }<br />  else<br />  {<br />  Serial.println("MPU9255 çalıştırıldı");<br />  }<br />  digitalWrite(8,HIGH);<br />  delay(1500);<br />  digitalWrite(8,LOW);<br />  isik = analogRead(A3);<br />}<br /> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />void loop()<br />{<br />  mpu.read_acc();<br />  mpu.read_gyro();<br />    Serial.print("GPS: ");<br />    Serial.print(gps_1, 6);<br />    Serial.print(F(" , "));<br />    Serial.print(gps_2, 6);<br />    Serial.print("   ");<br />   while (ss.available() > 0)<br />    if (gps.encode(ss.read()))<br />      displayInfo();<br />   if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10)<br />  {<br />  } <br />   printMPU9255();<br />   printBME280();<br />       if (avyonik(irtifa) == true && aviyonik_durum == false){<br />    aviyonik_durum = true;<br />    Serial.print("irtifaya ulaşıldı");<br />    digitalWrite(8,HIGH);<br />    servom.write(pos);<br />    pos = 0;<br />    delay(1000);<br />    digitalWrite(8,LOW);<br />    }<br />         lora();<br />     delay(50);<br />}<br /> void printMPU9255(){<br />  ax[0] = process_acceleration(mpu.ax,scale_2g);<br />  //ax[0] = axKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(ax[0]);<br />  ax[1] = process_acceleration(mpu.ay,scale_2g);<br />  //ax[1] = ayKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(ax[1]);<br />  ax[2] = process_acceleration(mpu.az,scale_2g);<br />  //ax[2] = azKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(ax[2]);<br />   gx[0] = process_angular_velocity(mpu.gx,scale_250dps);<br />  //gx[0] = gxKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(gx[0]);<br />  gx[1] = process_angular_velocity(mpu.gy,scale_250dps);<br />  //gx[1] = gyKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(gx[1]);<br />  gx[2] = process_angular_velocity(mpu.gz,scale_250dps);<br />  //gx[2] = gzKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(gx[2]);<br />     Serial.print(" AX: ");<br />  Serial.print(ax[0]);<br />   //Y axis<br />  Serial.print(" AY: ");<br />  Serial.print(ax[1]);<br />   //Z axis<br />  Serial.print(" AZ: ");<br />  Serial.print(ax[2]);<br />   ////process and print gyroscope data////<br />  //X axis<br />  Serial.print("   GX: ");<br />  Serial.print(gx[0]);<br />   //Y axis<br />  Serial.print(" GY: ");<br />  Serial.print(gx[1]);<br />   //Z axis<br />  Serial.print(" GZ: ");<br />  Serial.print(gx[2]);<br />}<br />  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />void printBME280()<br />{<br />    irtifa = bmp.readAltitude(1013.25);<br />    //irtifa = irtifaKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(irtifa);<br />    sicaklik = bmp.readTemperature();<br />    Serial.print(F("   Sicaklik: "));<br />    Serial.print(sicaklik);<br />    Serial.print(" *C");<br />    Serial.print(F("   İrtifa: "));<br />    Serial.print(irtifa);<br />    Serial.print(" m    ");<br />    Serial.println(analogRead(A3));<br />}<br /> void displayInfo()<br />{<br />  ss.listen();<br />  if (gps.location.isValid())<br />  {<br />    gps_1 = gps.location.lat();<br />    gps_2 = gps.location.lng();<br />  }<br />  else<br />  {<br />    //Serial.print(F("VERİ ALİNAMADİ "));<br />  }<br />}<br />bool avyonik(float irtifas){<br />  if (max_irtifa - irtifas >= 0.15 && ax[1] > -2.3 && analogRead(A3) <= isik+150){<br />    return true;   <br />   }else if (irtifas > max_irtifa){<br />    max_irtifa = irtifas;<br />    return false;<br />    }else{<br />        return false;<br />    }<br />}<br />void lora(){<br />  mySerial.listen();<br />       if (E22.available()  > 1) {<br />    // Gelen mesaj okunuyor<br />    ResponseStructContainer rsc = E22.receiveMessage(sizeof(Signal));<br />    struct Signal data = *(Signal*) rsc.data;<br />    rsc.close();<br />     char* source = "maraşa selam";<br />    strcpy(data.type, source);<br />    data.irtifa = irtifa;<br />    data.sicaklik=sicaklik;<br />    data.gps_1 = gps_1;<br />    data.gps_2 = gps_2;<br />    data.ax[0] = ax[0];<br />    data.ax[1] = ax[1];<br />    data.ax[2] = ax[2];<br />    data.gx[0] = gx[0];<br />    data.gx[1] = gx[1];<br />    data.gx[2] = gx[2];<br />    data.ldr = analogRead(A3);<br />    ResponseStatus rs = E22.sendFixedMessage(0, 46, 18, &data, sizeof(Signal));<br />  }<br />  }

Soru yeni cevaplara kapalıdır.
Mehmet En iyi cevap olarak seçildi Haziran 1, 2022

kodu tekrar yorum olarak eklermisin bu şekl anlaşılmıyor.

şurda da aynı soruyu dün başka bir arkadaş sordu. alttaki 2 kod alıcı ve verici kısımları.


Mehmet En iyi cevap olarak seçildi Haziran 1, 2022

#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <MPU9255.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include “LoRa_E22.h”
// #include <SimpleKalmanFilter.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_BMP280.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11);
int servo_port = 9;
#define SERIAL_BAUD 9600
#define BMP_SCK (13)
#define BMP_MISO (12)
#define BMP_MOSI (11)
#define BMP_CS (10)
#define g 9.81

/*SimpleKalmanFilter irtifaKalmanFilter(1, 540, 0.01);
SimpleKalmanFilter axKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);
SimpleKalmanFilter ayKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);
SimpleKalmanFilter azKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);
SimpleKalmanFilter gxKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);
SimpleKalmanFilter gyKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);
SimpleKalmanFilter gzKalmanFilter(1, 1, 0.01);*/
LoRa_E22 E22(&mySerial);
Adafruit_BMP280 bmp;
MPU9255 mpu;
TinyGPSPlus gps;
Servo servom;
int pos = 90;
struct Signal {
char type[15] = “Urfa63”;
float irtifa;
float sicaklik;
float gps_1;
float gps_2;
float ax[3];
float gx[3];
float ldr;
} data;

#define M0 7
#define M1 6
#define BTN 2
#define LED 9

static const int RXPin = 4, TXPin = 3;// Here we make pin 4 as RX of arduino & pin 3 as TX of arduino
static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;

SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);
float gps_1 = 0,gps_2 = 0;

float ax[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
float gx[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};

float first_pres = 0,h = 0,irtifa = 0,max_irtifa = 0,min_irtifa = 0,sicaklik = 0,isik = 0;
bool aviyonik_durum = false;

double process_acceleration(int input, scales sensor_scale )
To get acceleration in ‘g’, each reading has to be divided by :
-> 16384 for +- 2g scale (default scale)
-> 8192 for +- 4g scale
-> 4096 for +- 8g scale
-> 2048 for +- 16g scale
double output = 1;
//for +- 2g

if(sensor_scale == scale_2g)
output = input;
output = output/16384;
output = output*g;

//for +- 4g
if(sensor_scale == scale_4g)
output = input;
output = output/8192;
output = output*g;

//for +- 8g
if(sensor_scale == scale_8g)
output = input;
output = output/4096;
output = output*g;

//for +-16g
if(sensor_scale == scale_16g)
output = input;
output = output/2048;
output = output*g;

return output;

double process_angular_velocity(int16_t input, scales sensor_scale )
To get rotation velocity in dps (degrees per second), each reading has to be divided by :
-> 131 for +- 250 dps scale (default value)
-> 65.5 for +- 500 dps scale
-> 32.8 for +- 1000 dps scale
-> 16.4 for +- 2000 dps scale

//for +- 250 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_250dps)
return input/131;

//for +- 500 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_500dps)
return input/65.5;

//for +- 1000 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_1000dps)
return input/32.8;

//for +- 2000 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_2000dps)
return input/16.4;

return 0;

void setup()
while(!Serial) {} // Wait
pinMode(M0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(M1, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(M0, LOW);
digitalWrite(M1, LOW);
char* source = “urfa başlat”;
strcpy(data.type, source);

ResponseStatus rs = E22.sendFixedMessage(0, 46, 18, &data, sizeof(Signal));

if (!bmp.begin(BMP280_ADDRESS_ALT, BMP280_CHIPID)) {
if (!bmp.begin()) {
Serial.println(F(“Could not find a valid BMP280 sensor, check wiring or ”
“try a different address!”));

/* Default settings from datasheet. */
bmp.setSampling(Adafruit_BMP280::MODE_NORMAL, /* Operating Mode. */
Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X2, /* Temp. oversampling */
Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X16, /* Pressure oversampling */
Adafruit_BMP280::FILTER_X16, /* Filtering. */
Adafruit_BMP280::STANDBY_MS_500); /* Standby time. */

Serial.println(“MPU9255 çalıştırılamadı”);
Serial.println(“MPU9255 çalıştırıldı”);
isik = analogRead(A3);

void loop()
Serial.print(“GPS: “);
Serial.print(gps_1, 6);
Serial.print(F(” , “));
Serial.print(gps_2, 6);
Serial.print(” “);
while (ss.available() > 0)
if (gps.encode(ss.read()))

if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10)

if (avyonik(irtifa) == true && aviyonik_durum == false){
aviyonik_durum = true;
Serial.print(“irtifaya ulaşıldı”);
pos = 0;



void printMPU9255(){
ax[0] = process_acceleration(mpu.ax,scale_2g);
//ax[0] = axKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(ax[0]);
ax[1] = process_acceleration(mpu.ay,scale_2g);
//ax[1] = ayKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(ax[1]);
ax[2] = process_acceleration(mpu.az,scale_2g);
//ax[2] = azKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(ax[2]);

gx[0] = process_angular_velocity(mpu.gx,scale_250dps);
//gx[0] = gxKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(gx[0]);
gx[1] = process_angular_velocity(mpu.gy,scale_250dps);
//gx[1] = gyKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(gx[1]);
gx[2] = process_angular_velocity(mpu.gz,scale_250dps);
//gx[2] = gzKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(gx[2]);

Serial.print(” AX: “);

//Y axis
Serial.print(” AY: “);

//Z axis
Serial.print(” AZ: “);

////process and print gyroscope data////
//X axis
Serial.print(” GX: “);

//Y axis
Serial.print(” GY: “);

//Z axis
Serial.print(” GZ: “);

void printBME280()
irtifa = bmp.readAltitude(1013.25);
//irtifa = irtifaKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(irtifa);
sicaklik = bmp.readTemperature();
Serial.print(F(” Sicaklik: “));
Serial.print(” *C”);
Serial.print(F(” İrtifa: “));
Serial.print(” m “);

void displayInfo()
if (gps.location.isValid())
gps_1 = gps.location.lat();
gps_2 = gps.location.lng();
//Serial.print(F(“VERİ ALİNAMADİ “));
bool avyonik(float irtifas){
if (max_irtifa – irtifas >= 0.15 && ax[1] > -2.3 && analogRead(A3) <= isik+150){
return true;
}else if (irtifas > max_irtifa){
max_irtifa = irtifas;
return false;
return false;
void lora(){
if (E22.available() > 1) {
// Gelen mesaj okunuyor
ResponseStructContainer rsc = E22.receiveMessage(sizeof(Signal));
struct Signal data = *(Signal*) rsc.data;

char* source = “maraşa selam”;
strcpy(data.type, source);
data.irtifa = irtifa;
data.gps_1 = gps_1;
data.gps_2 = gps_2;
data.ax[0] = ax[0];
data.ax[1] = ax[1];
data.ax[2] = ax[2];
data.gx[0] = gx[0];
data.gx[1] = gx[1];
data.gx[2] = gx[2];
data.ldr = analogRead(A3);
ResponseStatus rs = E22.sendFixedMessage(0, 46, 18, &data, sizeof(Signal));

emre kamber Cevaplanan soru Mayıs 12, 2022